American Legion Auxiliary Unit #92 meets at 915 21st Ave SE, Rochester, MN 55904. Meetings are held the third Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. September through June. Its Executive Board meets the third Tuesday of August - same place, same time. Our mailing address is 403 East Center Street, Rochester, MN 55904.
Membership is dependent upon eligibility of veteran’s service dates (See membership form). Senior dues are $25/yr and Junior dues are $7.50/yr. The American Legion Auxiliary – Empowering Women, Inspiring Communities – is dedicated to “the accomplishment of the aims and purposes of the American Legion.”
This organization sponsors and promotes the following programs for veterans and veterans’ families: The Minnesota VA Hospitals; Minnesota Fischer House, Poppy Days, Children’s Christmas Party, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, Honor Flight for Veterans, Veterans Gift Shop, Legislation, Blue Star Service Banner Project, Servicemen’s Center, USO, Hospitalized Veterans Fund, Auxiliary Unit #92 Scholarship, Hometown Gratitude, Vets Visits TV show, Family Support Group, and fruit baskets for shut-in or hospitalized veterans.
Other American Legion Auxiliary-supported programs include: Children & Youth, Auxiliary Emergency Fund, Family Hospital Association, Minnesota Girls State, Children’s Miracle Network, Education Week, Apples for Teachers, Mother/Daughter Banquet, Miss Poppy, Department of Minnesota Scholarships and Past President’s Parley Scholarship.
Scholarships are available on the American Legion Auxiliary Unit, Department of Minnesota and National levels. In late October, the “Need a Lift” scholarship booklets with information and eligibility requirements are sent to the four local high school guidance offices and the Rochester Public Library.
The National American Legion Auxiliary link is:; click on Scholarships. This link also covers Gold Badge Girls Scout scholarship information, the Americanism Youth Conference at Freedom’s Foundation in Valley Forge, PA and the Girls State Samsung scholarship information. This organization supports the American Legion Baseball and Oratorical programs.
2021 - 2022 Auxiliary Unit #92 Leadership Team
Sharon Kingsley - President
Open Position - 1st Vice President
Shirley Oberle - 2nd Vice President
Sharon Kingsley - Treasurer
Shirley Oberle - Sergeant-at-Arms
Sharon Kingsley - Secretary
Donna Fritsch - Chaplain
Mary Oviatt - Executive Board Member
Evelyn Lyke - Executive Board Member
Sue Lee - Junior Past President
Q: I am related to someone who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibilty dates. Can I join the Auxiliary of The American Legion?
A: If your relative who served on active duty during one of the membership eligibility dates and is a member of The American Legion, you may join the American Legion Auxiliary of The American Legion. However, if the qualifying veteran is deceased, you may join the appropriate organization, even if the qualifying veteran was not a member of The American Legion when living.
Contact your local American Legion Auxiliary Unit, complete the application and proudly join the AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY.
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